We are here to offer assistance and answer any questions you might have pertaining to your lease.

CDLSI will help you and provide support throughout the lease lifecycle: from the time the vehicle is driven off the dealership’s lot to lease end.

Submit Insurance
Policy Documents

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn about your account with CDLSI. If you do not find what you are looking for below, please contact our client relations team by email at clientrelations@cdlsi.com or call 1.888.703.5765 and they will be happy to help.


All leased vehicles must have the following insurance coverage: 1) The lessee and/or co-lessee must be listed as named insured 2) Third party liability of a not less than $1,000,000 3) Both Collision and comprehensive coverage or all perils coverage with a maximum deductible as listed in your Retail Lease Agreement 4)  Canadian Dealer Lease Services Inc, (PO Box 8138, Station “T”, Ottawa, ON, K1G 4K4) must be designated as the Lessor or additional Insured on the policy. 5) Permission to rent or lease endorsement (5a) or equivalent (where applicable).

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You may provide a copy of your current insurance policy to us either via email at insurance@ cdlsi.com via fax at 1 (888) 517-3622, via mail to PO Box 8138 Station T, Ottawa, ON K1G 4K4 or, by uploading here. Please be advised that insurance liability cards (“pink slips”) are not acceptable as this document does not contain all the required information listed per the insurance requirements above.

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Van Wagenen (a.k.a. Insurance Service Center) is a 3rd party insurance tracking provider engaged by Canadian Dealer Lease Services for the sole purpose of obtaining current insurance policies for our leased vehicles. You may use the following link to upload a copy of your insurance policy on the Insurance Service Center website.

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CDLSI, as owner of the leased vehicle, must be listed as lessor so we are notified by the insurance company in the case of a total loss of the leased vehicle. We are also notified by the insurance company of any changes to the insurance coverage on the leased vehicle. Most insurance companies will also mail a copy of your insurance policy upon renewal to us.

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You may contact our office to advise us if your leased vehicle has been stolen or deemed a total loss however, it is also important that the insurance company contact our office to initiate the total loss claim with us. Once the claim is initiated with our office, we will work directly with the insurance company to settle the total loss claim. We ask that you or your insurance provider inform us as soon as possible. We will work diligently with your insurance provider to resolve the matter. Please note that the pre-authorized payments will continue to be withdrawn until a settlement has been received.

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Storage insurance is not permitted at any time on the leased vehicle. The vehicle must remain fully insured at all times in accordance with the insurance requirements outlined in your Retail Lease Agreement. No exceptions will be granted.

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Your Account Queries

Please call our Client Relations department to make the change (1.888.703.5765). We will require your new account number, branch and transit numbers. Some exceptions apply. If your banking information is for a business you own for example, we will require articles of incorporation along with a copy of the void cheque.

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Yes, it is important to inform us. Please call our Client Relations department as we require a copy of your new registration and insurance showing your new address. Depending on the province in which you are relocating to, the taxes on your monthly or bi-weekly payment may also need to be adjusted.

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Please contact our Client Relations department (1.888.703.5765) to discuss further. Prior approval is required, and some exceptions may be granted.

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Please call 1.800.909.9127 immediately to discuss your account with our Payment Arrangement department.

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Any excess kilometres are your responsibility as stated in the Retail Lease Agreement. The lease agreement also states the charge per excess kilometre which will be reflected on your end of term invoice.

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Please call our Client Relations department (1.888.703.5765) as some accommodations may be granted.

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It is possible to transfer your lease, however, it is best to contact your dealership to discuss options.

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Yes, there is a fee. Please refer to your Retail Lease Agreement under the “Other Terms” clause.

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Please contact your dealership to initiate the lease assignment process which will involve the completion and approval of a credit application by the transferee(s).  Once a credit approval is provided to the dealership, Canadian Dealer Lease Services will work directly with your dealership to ensure all required documentation is completed and signed.  The lease assignment fee will also be collected by your dealership at the time of the lease transfer.

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End of Lease

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Option 1: You may repair your vehicle at your dealership or at a garage authorized by your dealer. If you purchased any excess wear and tear product, please contact your dealer to assist you.

Option 2: You can choose to do repairs at a garage of your choice. Once repairs are completed, a 2nd inspection will be necessary at an additional cost. To find out more about the cost, please call us.

Option 3: You may return your vehicle without making any repairs. In that case, we will send you an invoice for the excess wear and tear items plus any outstanding amounts. Please note, in most cases vehicles are sold in the state they were returned with full disclosures.


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Please contact our Client Relations department (1.888.703.5765) to discuss available options.

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With so many products available, we recommend discussing your specific protection coverage with your dealer.

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AutoVIN is a 3rd party company hired by us to complete the vehicle inspection process. 

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Unless you are purchasing the vehicle, an inspection is required to assess any excess wear and tear on the vehicle prior to its return.

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No, it is not necessary. The inspector will conduct the inspection at a location of your choosing. Typically, results are available online within 24-48 hours. If you are unsure where or how to view your results, contact your dealer or our Client Relations department (1.888.703.5765).

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To schedule an inspection please call our Client Relations department (1.888.703.5765).

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The inspection is valid for 60 days. If the vehicle is not returned within 60 days after the inspection, a second inspection is required and will be charged to the lessee.  However, the first inspection is complimentary.

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It is important for us to receive a copy of the repair receipts to waive damages that were repaired. To confirm receipt, please contact our Client Relations department (1.888.703.5765).

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